Wednesday 15 May 2024

Burua zaindu. Botikina

Nork bere burua zaindu behar dugu. Hemen autodidaktentzat osatzen ari garen liburu zerrenda

Burua jan nahi digute handik eta hemendik botere indar ugarik.

(FIB: fashionably irrational beliefs)

Propaganda eta matraka, ekin eta ekin, han, hor eta hemen.

Eta, eremu jakin batzuetan oso oso jakintsuak izan arren, harrigarria, horrelako iruzurrak sinistu egiten ditugu askota. Nola liteke? Hemen horren azalpen bat: Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things (

Aurrezaintzarako eta nork bere burua jagoten laguntzeko, zerrendatuko ditugu hemen informazio ale interesgarriak.

1. Vernon Coleman-en eskutik bideoa eta idatzia, eutanasiaren propaganda desmuntatzen: They want to kill you – Here’s how they’ll do it (

Vernon Coleman-en kasua oso argi agertu da botereko psikopatek nola jokatzen duten, komeni ez zaizkien egiak esaten dituztenak baztertzen saiatzeko. Hara, bere webgunetik:

"Like all qualified medical doctors who have told the truth about covid-19, Dr Vernon Coleman has been repeatedly lied about and libelled on the internet and in the mainstream media. In March 2020, after studying the covid death figures and comparing the death statistics in the UK to that of previous years, Dr Coleman said that the threat of covid-19 had been wildly exaggerated and that there was no pandemic. In that first video, he warned that the pandemic fraud (or hoax) would result in the deliberate, cold-blooded deaths of many old people (which it did), the introduction of mandatory vaccinations and the disappearance of cash (now a serious threat). As a result of his video, his Wikipedia page was deliberately and dramatically changed by government employees and used to 'monster' him. All his lifetime achievements were removed. Without any evidence or justification he was, among other things, labelled a 'conspiracy theorist' and said to be 'widely discredited'. Google, which works with Wikipedia, reproduced the lies in an attempt to discredit him, so that nobody would believe his warnings. Biographies on include references."

Jack King-en liburu honetan oinarritu da Vernon Coleman, bere idatzia eta bideoa egiteko. Eutanasiaren propaganda itzela egiten ari direla salatzen du, xede argi nagusi batez:  dirua irabaztea.

2. Kuriosoa, gure garaiotan hainbeste aipatzen izan daben Jesukristo/Jesus/Josutxu. Bizi izan ote zen inor holakorik? Welcome to Enlightenment! – Religion: the Tragedy of Mankind. Articles by Kenneth Humphreys (


Zer dio egileak (Kenneth Humphreys)?
"Why is a hardcore atheist drawn with such passion and commitment to Jesus studies? Humphreys' answer is unequivocal: Jesus is a myth, a syncretic creation from antiquity. But Christianity is very real, and has a history which is both fascinating and terrible. Christianity isn't really about Jesus but about humanity, its follies and its fantasies, its capacity to deceive and be deceived. Above all, it is about an institutionalised ideology which has had, and continues to have, a criminal and corrosive effect on humanity. That is more than enough reason to study it closely."
Hemen bideo laburtxuak, azalpenekin: JesusNeverExistd - YouTube

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